
Whatever gets you through the night

Waylon Jennings - Whatever gets you through the night

No es en absoluto mi favorita, de hecho no diría ni que es de las mejores como canción, Pero la pongo por que: no puedo estar más de acuerdo con la filosofía de esta canción.

De canijo me gustaba mucho el country, con Internet he vuelto a descubrirlo. I’m coming back to the old country outlaws. La pongo también para contrastar el tópico del redneck. No todo en la America profunda es tan cerrado e ignorante. Un ejemplo es Kriss Kristofferson

(Bob McDill)

Whatever gets you through the night
Whatever makes everything all right
I'm not the kind to judge you
See what you do is all right with me
Whatever gets you through the night.

Well, some guys just don't care
They say play all nights and sleep all day
Then some work till the day they die
Some get rich and some get by.

Some spend the lifetime having fun
Some say they're gonna wait till Jesus comes
Some say that girls are their downfall
Some boys don't like girls at all
Whatever gets you through the night.

Well, some like cars and fancy clothes
Some live fast and some live slow
Some spend their life searchin' for truth
Some come to church in a three piece suit.

Well, I heard a good woman's all you need
I heard some guys need two or three
Some want to save the world I'm told
Some just want to rock'n roll
Whatever gets you through the night.

Whatever gets you through the night
Whatever makes everything all right
I'm not the kind to judge you
See what you do is all right with me
Whatever gets you through the night...

La pregunta es: ¿Cuantos conocéis que encajen en una categoría u otra?
Espero no se tenga en cuenta un video chorra con imagen totalmente 80’s
Nota: fijarse en la cara de su mujer (el tio tiene fama de crápula)
Nota2: Esta canción no tiene nada que ver con la de Lennon salvo el título.